Breaking new ground

The Global Maritime Forum’s Annual Summit took place in Hong Kong on 3-4 October 2018. This high-level meeting convened leaders to discuss industry-wide, long-term challenges and opportunities.

Videos from Annual Summit 2018 in Hong Kong

Annual Summit 2018 official video

The official Annual Summit 2018 video provides an overview of the event as experienced by participants, who share their thoughts on the biggest challenges and opportunities the global maritime industry faces today.

Global Maritime Forum's Annual Summit 2018

Plenary sessions

For those interested in finding out what was discussed at the Annual Summit in Hong Kong, or those wishing to refresh their memories and to find that particularly interesting point raised during the plenaries, all plenary session of the 2018 Annual Summit were caught on tape and can be found on our YouTube channel.

Ignite talk

Snaphots with prominent participants

During the two days over which the Annual Summit unfolded, key leaders, both form inside and outside the industry, shared their thoughts on challenges and opportunities in the maritime industry, the Annual Summit, and more. All shapshots can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Snapshot with Meredith Sumpter

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