Seafarer wellbeing

Neptune Declaration

The Neptune Declaration, signed by more than 850 organizations, outlines the main actions that need to be taken to resolve the crew change crisis.

Best Practices for Charterers

As key stakeholders in the maritime value chain, charterers have an important role in solving the crew change crisis. This is reflected in the Neptune Declaration, which calls for increased collaboration between charterers and ship operators based on the notion that managing crew changes is a shared responsibility.

A group of charterers from both the wet and dry bulk sectors has outlined a set of best practices they have used to turn the Neptune Declaration recommendations into concrete action. The best practices serve as a framework for charterers to help facilitate crew changes and work with ship owners to minimize the disruptions to operations – to the benefit of all stakeholders involved, not least the seafarers.

The aim is also to inspire other charterers to implement these best practices and to share their own best practices openly, so stakeholders can continue to learn from each other as the situation on the ground continues to evolve.

The Neptune Declaration Best Practices for Charterers are available for download here.